Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel: Delrapport 1 – Dialogmøter mellom fylkesmenn og regionale høgskoler om kompetanseutvikling, etter- og videreutdanning.

Moser, T.; Pettersvold
M.; Jansen, T. T.
Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold.


This study is a sub-report of the larger project Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel (Continuing and further education and training in the kindergarten sector - mapping programmes and demand), the objective of which is to examine the following:
1) What skills development needs do institution leaders, childcare leaders and assistants already have? 2) What skills development initiatives have been most prominent over recent years and what is the experience from these? 3) What experience is available with regard to getting started, scope, organisation, financing, implementation and evaluation of continuing and further education and training initiatives? 4) Which public and private sector players run which types of activity? The study aims to map any cooperation relationships that may exist between these.


The study shows that there is a lack of skills development programmes in the daycare field. The programmes available at county level are generally random and without an overall structure. There are relatively few programmes and there is a large variation in content between counties, in particular with regard to how teacher training colleges perform their role as regional development players.  There is good experience with initiatives, but there is very little documentation of the effects of continuing and further education and training.  There is a need for clear national strategies, but there should also be options for local adaptation. There is a clear requirement for a long-term and systematic upgrading of skills in the daycare sector.


The data material consists of 13 dialogue meetings (semi-structured interviews) between county officials, representatives from teacher training colleges and trade union representatives from 14 counties; a total of 56 people.   After the meetings, respondents completed questionnaires with further registration of the counties’ skills development initiatives in the continuing and further education and training field.


Moser, T.; Pettersvold, M.; Jansen, T. T. (2006). Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel: Delrapport 1 – Dialogmøter mellom fylkesmenn og regionale høgskoler om kompetanseutvikling, etter- og videreutdanning. Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold.