Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel: Delrapport 4 – betraktninger om kompetanseutvikling, etter- og videreutdanning blant nøkkelpersoner som arbeider for og med barnehager.

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Moser, T.; Pettersvold
M.; Nesset, G.
-Høgskolen i Vestfold-


This study is a sub-report of the larger project Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel (Continuing and further education and training in the kindergarten sector - mapping programmes and demand), the objective of which is to examine the following:
1) What skills development needs do institution leaders, childcare leaders and assistants already have? 2) What skills development initiatives have been most prominent over recent years and what is the experience from these? 3) What experience is available with regard to getting started, scope, organisation, financing, implementation and evaluation of continuing and further education and training initiatives? 4) Which public and private sector players run which types of activity? The study aims to map any cooperation relationships that may exist between these.   The objective of this sub-project is to elucidate these questions concerning skills from other perspectives than the perspective of daycare staff and staff in the public administration.


The results of the study render an ambiguous image of the skills situation in the daycare area. The study shows that there is a great need for development and management of leaders in daycare centres, and that, today, child carers lack the knowledge to perform this task.   Furthermore, it is stressed that cooperation between the various players linked to daycare centres (university colleges, county officials, municipalities/owners of private daycare centres as well as practice in general) is an important factor when developing optimal skills programmes. The respondents in the study expressed concern about the lack of knowledge when planning skills development programmes.   Evidence-based knowledge about the need for skills within the daycare-centre area is necessary.


The data collection consists of 13 telephone interviews, each lasting approximately 40 to 45 minutes. The interviewees were heads of administration from municipal and private daycare centres, researchers, private sector players and representatives from university colleges, who are all involved in the daycare-centre area and continuing training.  


Moser, T.; Pettersvold, M.; Nesset, G. (2006). Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel: Delrapport 4 – betraktninger om kompetanseutvikling, etter- og videreutdanning blant nøkkelpersoner som arbeider for og med barnehager. Vestfold: Høgskolen i Vestfold.

Financed by

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research commissioned the Barnehagesenteret at Vestfold University College to perform this mapping of the daycare-centre area.