Evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner.

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Sloth, M.; NIRAS Konsulenterne A/S; Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut; UdviklingsForum I/S; Amterne og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut.
København: Ministeriet for Familie- og Forbrugeranliggender.


The objective of “Evaluation of the Pedagogical Learning and Teaching Plans Act” is to establish the scope, content and significance of pedagogical learning and teaching plans in daycare centres and municipalities. This report is the first part of the evaluation of learning and teaching plans, and it provides an overview of how municipalities and daycare centres use pedagogical learning and teaching plans. Furthermore the report examines the guidelines laid down by the municipality concerning the pedagogical learning and teaching plans, as well as the experience of municipalities with regard to initiatives to support implementation of pedagogical learning and teaching plans. The report also focuses on the work processes to prepare learning and teaching plans.


The report concludes that in general daycare centres use all six learning and teaching plan themes and that they have come a long way with regard to establishing goals for this work. However, the evaluation also shows that pedagogical learning and teaching plans still have a long way to go with regard to creating new activities in daycare centres.  Primarily only managers for the care-in-private-homes area assess that pedagogical learning and teaching plans have led to new activities or have increased awareness of children with special needs. Furthermore, especially daycare centres with many children with a non-Danish ethnic background have still not completed a pedagogical learning and teaching plan. Similarly these daycare centres point out that the written background material provided could not be used for this group of children.


The evaluation is based on questionnaire surveys and case studies.  The analyses in the evaluation are in part based on national quantitative surveys and in part on qualitative case studies in 11 municipalities.


Sloth, M.; NIRAS Konsulenterne A/S; Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut; UdviklingsForum I/S; Amterne og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut. (2006). Evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner. København: Ministeriet for Familie- og Forbrugeranliggender.

Financed by

The Danish Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs (closed in 2007)