Brug af evidensbaserede metoder i seks pædagogiske institutioner. Når evidens møder den pædagogiske hverdag.

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Buus, A-M.
Grundahl, T.H.
Hamilton, S.D.P.
Rasmussen, P.
Thomsen, U.N.
Wiberg, M.
Rapport 3 – august 2012.


The purpose of this study is to examine how an evidence-based methodology that is implemented in daycare facilities affects the pedagogical staff’s work, and the way in which they use their knowledge and judgment. Here, evidence-based methodology refers to a methodology that research has proven to have a positive effect. Moreover, the purpose of the study is also to analyse how the staff’s description of their pedagogical initiatives is combined with the use of different kinds of knowledge, such as knowledge in practice and knowledge in actions.


The study shows that the facilities vary greatly with regard to how they have implemented and use the evidence-based methods they have chosen. In some of the facilities, the methods were used systematically and directly, whereas some of the other facilities were much more selective in the way they use the methods. Moreover, the study also shows that it is difficult to assess the knowledge base of the individual staff, as there is a strong tendency for staff to adopt the facility’s culture rather than draw on their own understandings. None of the staff interviewed felt that they had surrendered their autonomy or free choice of methodology as a consequence of implementing the evidence-based methods. Rather, they state that regardless of whether they follow a particular method meticulously or more loosely as inspiration, they still feel that they are autonomous and rely on their own judgment. Many of the staff interviewed believe that working with the evidence-based methods adds to their professionalism as early childhood educators. The methods, guidelines and assessment criteria make their actions more clear and precise, both for themselves, but also for children and parents. Many of the participants criticise their training for having too much focus on theory and too little focus on practice. Furthermore, the study shows that staff only draw very little on their educational background when working with the evidence-based methods and pedagogical practices. However, the study also shows that experience is an extremely important factor for staff’s pedagogical practices and use of evidence-based methods.


A total of six facilities located in three Danish municipalities are included in the study. All six daycare facilities have implemented evidence-based methods, two of the facilities use the programme “De utrolige år” (the Incredible Years), two use PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Strategies) and the final two base their work on ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scheme). The researchers made video recordings and conducted focus group interviews with staff in the six facilities.


Buus, A-M., Grundahl, T.H., Hamilton, S.D.P., Rasmussen, P., Thomsen, U.N. & Wiberg, M. (2012). Brug af evidensbaserede metoder i seks pædagogiske institutioner. Når evidens møder den pædagogiske hverdag. Rapport 3 – august 2012. Aalborg Universitet, Institut for læring og filosofi.

Financed by

The Danish Union of Early Childhood and Youth Educators