”Analyse av kostnader i barnehagene i 2010”.

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Hjelmbrekke, S.
Lunder, T.E.
Bø i Telemark: Telemarksforskning.


The purpose of this report is to analyse the costs of daycare facilities in Norway. The costs of different types of daycare facilities and the variation between them are examined, and the changes in costs from 2002 and up to 2010 are analysed.


The study concludes that the total costs of the kindergarten sector in Norway were NKR  39.8 billion in 2010. This amount has increased by 7.3% compared to 2009, whereas the children’s hours spent at daycare facilities in the same period have increased by 3.3%. The authors also find that expenses in connection with a whole-year position for a child over a period of two years are about NKR 22,000 higher in a municipal daycare facility than in an ordinary private daycare facility, and that higher pay and social benefits costs compared to staff at municipal daycare facilities are the reason for these differences.


The study is based on data from Statistics Norway. Data material consists of annual reports and accounting figures from daycare facilities in 46 municipalities and four urban districts. This information is analysed using statistical methods, for example regression analysis.


Hjelmbrekke, S. & Lunder, T.E. (2011). ”Analyse av kostnader i barnehagene i 2010”. Bø i Telemark: Telemarksforskning.

Financed by

The Ministry of Education and Research in Norway