”Det aktiva barnet? En forskningsöversikt”.

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Fransson, K.
Persson, S. (red.). Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik, 121-141. Malmø: Malmö högskola.


The purpose of this study is to survey the physical scientific research in the interface between Swedish daycare centres and schools, learning, exercise and sports (physical activity).


In the period from 1995 to 2008, 106 dissertations were published relating to daycare and physical exercise/sports. Half of these dissertations had been published in the last five years. After a language delimitation, the number of dissertations was down to 78. After a quick review of these, 71 dissertations were deemed relevant for the study. A total of 62 female and 11 male researchers were included in the study. Sixteen of the dissertations originate from Stockholm University, 15 from the University of Gothenburg, and 12 from Lund University and Malmö University. The remaining dissertations were written by researchers at the Universities of Uppsala,Linköping, Örebro, Umeå, Alnarp, Karlstad, Lulea and Växjö. Fifty-five of the dissertations were written in relation to university colleges. According to the author, this indicates that primarily child carers are interested in early childhood education and care as a research area. In addition to sports and physical activity, the dissertations focus on, among other topics, children, child carers and institutions, parents, cooperation, the relationship to the school and university training.


The survey is based on a bibliometric search of dissertations in the period 1995 to 2008. The search was carried out by subject in the LIBRIS database. The search criteria were physical exercise/sports and related areas and Swedish daycare centres or schools, and that the text must be written in Swedish.


Fransson, K. (2010). ”Det aktiva barnet? En forskningsöversikt”. Persson, S. (red.). Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik, 121-141. Malmø: Malmö högskola.

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