"Barnehagestyreres arbeid med likestilling i barnehagen: Rapport fra en spørreskemaundersøkelse i Trøndelag." & "Likestilling i barnehagen: Sluttnotat fra forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet ”Likestilling i barnehagen”".

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Verstad, B., Børve, H.E. og Voll, A.-L.S.
Steinkjer: Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag. (Rapport nr. 67). & Steinkjer: Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag. (Arbeidsnotat nr 232).


The purpose of this report is to examine the work of kindergarten managers on equality at kindergartens in the county of Trøndelag (Norway). The report focuses on the staff's understanding and emphasis on equality and examines the initiatives by managers to meet the requirement that 20% of the staff must be male. Specifically, the report examines the extent to which kindergarten managers use specific recruitment strategies for men to achieve a gender balance in the staff. The report is part of the three-year research and equality project 'Likestilling i barnehagen' (Equality in kindergarten).


According to the questionnaire, many managers perceive equality as being equal, which neutralises the role of gender, because in order to be equal, men and women must to do the same things in the same way. At the same time, there is an understanding that women and men are different and that this diversity is a resource for kindergartens and must be ensured by giving women and men equal opportunities to be different. Just under 30% of kindergarten managers responded that they have integrated equality in their annual plan and business plan. 38.5% of the male managers and 21.2% of the female managers responded that they have specific recruitment strategies for men. Male managers are more interested than female managers in working with gender equality documents. 67% of the managers responded that they specifically urge men in job advertisements to seek the job, and one-third of the respondents were in favour of earmarking positions for men in the kindergarten in order to achieve a gender balance.


The data material consists of a digital questionnaire submitted to kindergarten managers in Trøndelag. Responses to the questionnaire have been analysed using a statistical data processing program. A total of 549 kindergarten managers received the questionnaire and 317 responded (58%). Of the 317 respondents, 291 were female managers and 26 were male managers. The proportion of male respondents corresponds to the proportion of male managers nationwide; namely 8%.


Verstad, B. og Voll, A.-L.S. (2010). Barnehagestyreres arbeid med likestilling i barnehagen: Rapport fra en spørreskemaundersøkelse i Trøndelag. Steinkjer: Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag. (Rapport nr. 67). Verstad, B., Børve, H.E. og Voll, A.-L.S. (2010). Likestilling i barnehagen: Sluttnotat fra forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet ”Likestilling i barnehagen”. Steinkjer: Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag. (Arbeidsnotat nr 232).

Financed by

The Ministry of Education and Research in Norway