Særlige dagtilbud til børn efter § 32 en status to år efter.

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Bengtsson, S.
København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd.


The objective of this report is to identify the existing special daycare facilities under section 32 of the Social Services Act, which mainly include special-needs kindergartens and special-needs groups in ordinary kindergartens.


There are 150-180 institutions in Denmark with special daycare facilities under section 32 of the Social Services Act, with a total of 2,000-3,000 children. By far the majority of these children are between three and seven years old, whereas a minor part is between eight and 17 years old. At least 59 facilities are special-needs kindergartens, at least 35 are groups of children with decreased functionality integrated into an ordinary kindergarten, whereas only very few are individually integrated children under section 32 of the Social Services Act. It is unclear where the limit goes between daycare facilities under the Social Services Act and daycare facilities under the Daycare Facilities Act. The municipality’s political organisation has proven to have an impact on the facilities offered and not all municipalities have institutions with facilities according to section 32.


This study provides a snapshot of the facilities offered under this Act, primarily based on quantitative information. The study is based on questionnaires distributed to municipalities and local institutions with facilities under section 32 of the Social Services Act. Prior to this was a pilot phase, in which interviews were conducted in order to prepare questionnaires for municipalities and institutions, respectively. The interview material is also included in the overall analysis.


Bengtsson, S. (2009). Særlige dagtilbud til børn efter § 32 en status to år efter. København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd.

Financed by

The Danish Ministry of the Interior and Social Affairs.