Børnehavens betydning for børns udvikling. En forskningsoversigt.

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Albæk Nielsen, A.; Nygård Christoffersen, M.
København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd.


The objective of this study is to examine whether children in kindergarten develop differently than children who are not in kindergarten. Furthermore, the study examines whether the quality of daycare has an influence on the children’s social, cognitive and emotional development.


Results from the many experimental studies indicate that when children attend a high-quality kindergarten, this benefits their IQ, their readiness for school, and therefore how well they will do in school in the long term. These children achieve better results at school, more of them complete a vocational training programme, and subsequently they are more successful in their pursuit of a career. Young adults who had attended a high-quality kindergarten were less likely to end on transfer income. Fewer of them became unemployed, and even fewer were involved in crime compared to their peers who also came from a disadvantaged background. The children developed a positive view of themselves and on their own
future possibilities. A high-quality kindergarten is characterised by the following:
The staff’s knowledge about a child’s development and sensibilities, as well as the staffs’ responsiveness to remarks made by the children, are probably the most important factors. Comparisons show that a relatively good child-adult ratio gives the staff more time and energy to get to know the needs of each child, and enables them to support the child’s development in a positive environment.
Qualifying training of daycare centre staff has a positive effect. Just how important it is for there to be good contact between staff and the child is emphasised in the research literature. Good contact between parents and kindergarten staff can also contribute positively to the child’s development in the short and the long terms. With regard to how old the child is when beginning daycare, especially experience with children from vulnerable families has shown that the sooner the measures begin, the more effective the positive initiatives are.


The study is designed as a systematic review. Literature search was electronic, using interdisciplinary indexes of scientific articles, books and conference papers.


Albæk Nielsen, A.; Nygård Christoffersen, M. (2009). Børnehavens betydning for børns udvikling. En forskningsoversigt. København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd.

Financed by

The Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators (BUPL)