Demokratiska värden i förskolebarns vardag.

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Karlsson, R.
Göteborg: Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs Universitet.


The study processes democratic values at preschool and how these values are expressed in children’s relations with one another. The study describes what children take responsibility for and how; what they show consideration for and how; and what they show respect for and how. Research questions are as follows:
1. How do children deal with values and how do they perceive different situations that occur in their daily interaction?
2. What values do children deal with in different situations with help from each other and in interaction with the teacher?


Study results are presented in three thematic values: Responsibility, care and respect. Results show that by taking responsibility, showing care for someone or something and showing respect for someone or something, children express democratic values in their daily lives. In addition, the study demonstrates that gender differences are a penetrating phenomenon in all ways in which children exercise democratic actions.


The study has a qualitative design. Data material consists of observations and tape-recording of 44 children from two different kindergartens.


Karlsson, R. (2009). Demokratiska värden i förskolebarns vardag. Göteborg: Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs Universitet.

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The study is a PhD dissertation from the University of Gothenburg.