Transformativa kunskapsprocesser för verksamhetsutveckling: En feministisk aktionsforskningsstudie i förskolan.

Gillberg, C.
Växjö: Institutionen för pedagogik, Växjö Universitet.


Overall, the dissertation examines a preschool teacher’s opportunities to develop joint gender-conscious and gender-equal pedagogics. The dissertation asks how preschool teachers make room for reflection, knowledge processes and action, and how feminist action research methodology can be enhanced.


Collective actions were procured in a common value system for preschool teachers, and meaningful, pedagogical change for equality emerged along the way despite a great deal of municipal opposition. Therefore, organisational change can emerge through practising open willingness to take action, just as transformative knowledge processes can be achieved as long as the possibility to participate is communicated and is met with sympathy among participants.  


The design is prospective action research where participants are agents for their own change. Methodologies reflect needs that arise during processes, as much as they express planned approaches. The researcher conducts a group interview with preschool teachers for each age division at a preschool in southern Sweden. Meetings are held roughly each month during the equality project, while individual interviews, telephone calls, letters and emails are carried out and exchanged between researchers and participants. Finally, a
few observations are made.  


Gillberg, C. (2009). Transformativa kunskapsprocesser för verksamhetsutveckling: En feministisk aktionsforskningsstudie i förskolan. Växjö: Institutionen för pedagogik, Växjö Universitet.

Gillberg, C., & Lund, S. (2009). Kampen om utrymme för lärande på en arbetsplats som förskolan. In En bok om genus. Växjö: Växjö Universitet.

Financed by

The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Research, Sweden and EU funding in the first year.