Likestilt og forskjellig? Om menn og likestilling i barnehagen.

Kasin, O.
Slåtten, M.V.
Nordisk barnehageforskning 9(8), 1-16.


The aim of this study is to illustrate conflicts in connection with expectations to men's role in Norwegian ECEC (barnehager). The study examines how male students and employees relate to being a man in an ECEC setting, and how students and employees in general relate to male staff in an ECEC setting.


The study concludes that a one-sided focus on the representation of men in ECEC is likely to conceal rather than clarify a need for developing pedagogical practices that promote a balanced gender distribution. Results of the study show that the informants are favourable to increasing the number of men in ECEC. However, the informants also express different expectations to the role of men. In the part of the study carried out among male student teachers, the study shows that the students have reservations about focusing on employing men simply because they are men. The part of the study that involves individuals working in ECEC shows a desire to employ men, precisely because they are men and are different from women: Men can add diversity to an ECEC setting. The study shows that male staff at different levels in the organisation can be perceived to promote a balanced and equal distribution of men and women. At society level, more men in ECEC can be construed as an expression of a liberal policy that will promote equal rights and opportunities for participation in the labour market. At ECEC centre level, equality depends on activities and pedagogical theory and practice. At an individual level, gender equality can be construed as practices among staff that prevent gender stereotyping. Moreover, gender equality can provide equal opportunities for children across gender boundaries.



The study builds on two rounds of interviews from 2009 and 2010: 11 individual interviews with male student teachers from all terms of the pre-school teacher training programme (førskolelærerutdanningen) at Oslo and Akershus University College, and 12 individual interviews with four ECEC centre leaders (barnehageledere), four internship supervisors (øvningslærere), two employee representatives (tillitsvalgte) and two teachers from the ECEC programme (pedagogikklærere). All interviews were recorded and then transcribed. The interviews were analysed based on how more men in ECEC can be considered as being the result of a gender mainstreaming initiative. The analysis includes similar research in the area.


Kasin, O. & Slåtten, M.V. (2015). Likestilt og forskjellig? Om menn og likestilling i barnehagen. Nordisk barnehageforskning 9(8), 1-16.

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