Den levende bog: Rapportering og evaluerende undersøgelse.

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Larsen, M. E.; Basse, L.; Sehested C.
København: Center for Børnelitteratur, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet.


The study is an evaluation of a project initiated by the Danish Agency for Libraries and Media and it aims at changing reading habits at daycare centres and homes through targeted communication of literature and literature educational effort towards children aged three to four. The project is based on the campaign ‘Children and Literature’ that was launched by the Danish Agency for Libraries and Media through project grants in 2003-2007. The purpose of the campaign was to promote children's love of reading as well as their reading skills. In early 2007, the Children and Literature campaign wanted to launch a pilot project inspired by the English Book Start programme, which provides book packages to all children in the first years of their lives.


The evaluation shows that child carers’ awareness and use of literature has increased. Literature and reading in children's homes were less influenced by the efforts to stimulate the reading habits of children.


The evaluation is designed as a case study based on quantitative and qualitative data from questionnaires and group interviews with 11 child carers and 109 parents in the project.


Larsen, M. E., Basse, L.: Sehested, C. (2008). Den levende bog: Rapportering og evaluerende undersøgelse. København: Center for Børnelitteratur, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet.

Financed by

The Danish Agency for Libraries and Media