Barnehagebarns liv i en samisk kontekst: En arena for kulturell meningsskaping.

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Storjord, M. H.
Tromsø: Universitetet i Tromsø.


The purpose of this study is to describe and examine how the lives of kindergarten children unfold in Sami
kindergartens. The study focuses on cultural meaning-making, socialisation, identity and language. The study asks the following questions:  What characterises a Sami kindergarten as an institution? How do children construct childhood practices? How does the staff exercise social practices?  What are the parents’ views concerning Sami kindergartens?


The study shows that the Sami kindergarten is an important arena for socialisation and that it plays a central role in the identity development of Sami children. However, the author also notes that the kindergartens’ Sami profile is not present to the extent that is legally required. Sami kindergartens are characterised by significant elements such as the Sami language and the transfer of traditions and culture. However it is the Norwegian, and not the Sami culture that is prevalent. Finally, the author points out that there is a need for more research in this area.


The design of the study is an ethnographic, document-based views study. The data have been collected by observations in two Sami kindergartens and through registration of verbal communication between children. Furthermore, various existing written materials have been used.


Storjord, M. H. (2008). Barnehagebarns liv i en samisk kontekst: En arena for kulturell meningsskaping. Tromsø: Universitetet i Tromsø.

Financed by

The study is funded as a PhD scholarship at the Sami College Kautokeino in Norway.