Kostnadsforskjeller i barnehagesektoren: TF-rapport nr. 243.

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Håkonsen, L.; Lunder T. E.
Telemark: Høgskolen i Telemark.


This study assesses the differences in costs in the kindergarten sector, with particular emphasis on the differences between public and private kindergartens in Norway.


The study shows that private kindergartens are cheaper than public kindergartens on average, which is consistent with previous results. The analysis assesses where the differences are to be found and what causal relationships create these differences. The results of the analyses are discussed on the basis of the present funding model for kindergartens and possible future changes.


The study is designed as a mapping study. The data consists of data on costs retrieved from Norwegian municipalities. These data have been supplemented by questionnaires and other documentation from a survey of 50 randomly selected Norwegian municipalities.


Håkonsen, L.; Lunder, T. E. (2008). Kostnadsforskjeller i barnehagesektoren: TF-rapport nr. 243. Telemark: Høgskolen i Telemark.

Financed by

The study is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.