Etiske perspektiver på læreres og pædaogogers pedagogiske erfaringer: En etnografisk studie i lys av John Deweys filosofi.

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Eikseth, A.G.
Trondheim: NTNU.


The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers/teachers use their practical knowledge in their work with children in an educational context. The study examines how teachers and child carers plan and execute their educational work with children aged six or seven in kindergarten and preschool classes. In the following, the study examines how the different groups of practitioners apply practical knowledge. Furthermore, the study analyses which factors influence the practical knowledge of the participants. In addition, the study collates knowledge about how curricula and local target documents can be regarded in the practical knowledge that teachers/child carers apply in their work.


The study concludes that teachers focus on the social interests of children, which they use in the practical educational work through dialogue. The child carers use many rituals to establish a close and trusting dialogue with the children.


The study is an ethnographic case study based on observations and interviews with two child carers and two teachers.


Eikseth, A.G. (2008). Etiske perspektiver på læreres og pædaogogers pedagogiske erfaringer: En etnografisk studie i lys av John Deweys filosofi. Trondheim: NTNU.

Financed by

The study is funded by various Nordic, Norwegian and Swedish research foundations.