Från samhällsmoder till forskarbehörig lärare: Kontinuitet och förändring i en lokal förskollärarutbildning.

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Tellgren, B.
Örebro: Örebro universitet.


The purpose of this study is to elucidate the structural conceptions in a local social education programme from the beginning of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The study focuses on how these conceptions have been changed and maintained when interfacing with other teacher training programmes and traditional academia. The study also focuses on the significance of gender in relation to the prevailing values, changes and continuity in social education. The theoretical basis of the study is a socio-cultural perspective. The study has been conducted within the framework of the research project När praktikgrundad kunskap möter högskolan – kontinuitet och förändring i lärarutbildning with Agneta Linné and Boel Englund as scientific managers.


The results show that there have been major changes in the collective memory
 regarding the local training of daycare staff during the 20th century and into the 21st century, especially in relation to teacher training. The study shows that these changes do not show in the practical arena, and that there are still traces of the ‘all-round kindergarten manager' at the beginning of the 21st century. These traces are in conflict with the increased focus on subjects that create increased space in the academic sphere. The academic culture has changed in the sense that it was customary to know a little about a lot areas and now it is more common to know a lot about a few areas. The knowledge-agenda has changed from focusing on instructional pedagogy, to focusing on progressive pedagogy and then ending with focus on communication and meaningful learning which seem to relate to the democratic arena. The practical arena has maintained a feminine sphere, while the academic sphere has been influenced by a masculine interpretational framework. On the basis of interview data and records, the author identifies seven eras that describe this development.


The study is designed as a views study.
The study is based on interviews with 22 teachers and tutors. In addition, pedagogical records have been used.


Tellgren, B. (2008). Från samhällsmoder till forskarbehörig lärare: Kontinuitet och förändring i en lokal förskollärarutbildning. Örebro: Örebro universitet.

Financed by

The Swedish Research Council