Medvetet Kvalitetsarbete. En uppföljning av kursen Q i förskolan och dess inverkan på förskollärares handlingar i praktiken.

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Rönnerman, K.
Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet.


The overall purpose of the study is to evaluate the impacts of participation in the course activity
‘Kvalitetsarbete genom actionforskning in förskolan’ (quality work through action research in pre-school classes). The course has been developed within the framework of the
project Q in daycare centres, which was launched by the authority for school development in 2004 to 2006
in collaboration with the Swedish teachers' union and the University of Gothenburg. The study strives to highlight the essential elements of the course that are important for the development and quality of daycare centres. Questions for the informants concern the extent to which action research is applied; whether specific course elements are regarded as crucial for continuation, and how child carers consider the development of their own profession after participating in the course.


Results show that 80% of the child carers still use action research at daycare centres. The tools to which they were introduced on the course contribute to a more systematic approach in their work on quality. It is evident that the tools also contribute to knowledge about each pupil and provide insight into which changes should be implemented in order to meet the requirements in the teaching framework. This insight is the object of discussion and reflection among colleagues - and improvements are made on the basis of the action research. The child carers find forms and strategies with which they can continue their work. The awareness and strength of the child carers are increased, and they consider themselves strong in their role as professionals. The study also shows that, during the process, the child carers requested and needed professional dialogue with their managers. Most of the managers allocated time to support and motivate the child carers in connection with the course, including by taking the time to meet with the child carers to help with guidance and planning. Finally, some instructions were provided for the continued development of quality at daycare centres through action research.


A web-based questionnaire was answered by 74 child carers in the spring 2008. The results are reported descriptively with quotes from the responses of the child carers.


Rönnerman, K. (2008). Medvetet Kvalitetsarbete. En uppföljning av kursen Q i förskolan och dess inverkan på förskollärares handlingar i praktiken. Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet.

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