Yrkesroller i förskolan: En utvärderingsstudie av en fortbildning initierad av Kommunal och Lärarförbundet.

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Gustafsson, K.; Mellgren, E.
Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet.


The study is an evaluation that examines the implementation of a decree from the government to reorganise daycare activities. Child carers participated in a workshop concerning the proposal and on this basis, the study focuses on three areas: 1) distribution of responsibility in the team; 2) daycare centre’s tasks and quality; 3) how participation is regarded in the team.


The report provides an idea of how municipalities, child carers and managers at the workshop
respond to the government decree, and it shows how difficult it was to move the discussion to the individual institutions, as the managers were not ready to engage in the discussion. Therefore, an action research project is suggested to follow up on the knowledge creation processes which began in the institutions following the workshop.


The study is a case study. Data collection is carried out as semi-structured focus group interviews with 75 informants from three selected municipalities in Sweden. Informants consists of 31 child carers with two to 25 years of experience, 35 pre-school managers with one to 28 years of experience and nine senior managers.


Gustafsson, K.; Mellgren, E. (2008). Yrkesroller i förskolan: En utvärderingsstudie av en fortbildning initierad av Kommunal och Lärarförbundet. Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet.

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