Forskning om villkor för yngre barns lärande i förskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem.

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Persson, S.
Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.


On the basis of Swedish research from 1990 to 2007, the study identifies and analyses conditions for children's learning in daycare centres, pre-school classes and after school care. Learning is understood broadly, and the mapping covers studies of children as learners, learning processes and learning objects in their institutional, historical and social contexts. The study also focuses on the importance of daycare centres and after school care as voluntary, while school is compulsory.


The majority of the reviewed research has a qualitative design and examines a few institutions.
Theories and theory development from the research have a pluralistic perspective in general.
They identify three factors that affect the learning of children: 1) the institution's ranking in the educational system; 2) the institutional and historical traditions that influence practices of child carers/teachers; 3) the social function and status of the institution. The report is concluded with a critical discussion of, as well as suggestions for future research. The study also points out that the subordination of kindergartens and after-school centres in the educational system has an impact on the practices of child carers.


The study was conducted by finding and analysing research reports from Swedish research in the field. Research mapping covers the period from 1990 to 2007.


Persson, S. (2008). Forskning om villkor för yngre barns lärande i förskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.

Financed by

The Swedish Research Council