Situasjonsinnramming av pedagogisk praksis i barnehagen.

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Holtedahl, G.
Nordisk Pedagogik 28 (1) S. 52-61.


The study discusses the possibilities for understanding the actions of kindergarten staff based on their preconceptions and interpretations of situations at daycare centres in order to rethink and discuss pedagogical routines as a common project. The research question is: how does situational framing influence the perception of the staff’s action at daycare centres?


Research results are presented as a discussion of how actions by the kindergarten staff can be interpreted in different situations. Improvisation based on feedback from other staff members plays an important role in the work of a young child carer.


This study is ethnographic and designed as an observational study of the daily routines of a female child carer. The study is based on four months of field work at a kindergarten.


Holtedahl, G. (2008). Situasjonsinnramming av pedagogisk praksis i barnehagen: Nordisk Pedagogik 28 (1) S. 52-61.

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