”Genuspedagogers berättelser om makt och kontroll”.

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Arvidson, C.
Akademisk avhandling i Pedagogik, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap. Härnösand: Mittuniversitetet.


Based on reports of power and influence by teachers specialised in gender equality, the purpose of this dissertation is to describe and analyse these teachers’ access to power and influence in relation to changing gender inequality in Swedish preschools and schools. Teachers specialised in gender equality are preschool teachers and school teachers who have completed a programme about gender and gender equality. This programme includes training in pedagogical practices and research in the area of gender equality. Based on a political initiative, the objective of the programme is educate teachers to function as a key staff with regard to gender equality issues in preschools and schools.


The study shows that most of the specialised teachers have had the opportunity to influence and impact the efforts to eliminate gender inequality in Swedish preschools and schools. It also shows that these opportunities exist, and that the specialised teachers can make a difference with regard to gender inequality. Furthermore, the study shows that at many different levels, power relations and gender patterns play an important role with regard to the specialised teachers’ access to power and influence. This is demonstrated in the specialised teachers’ descriptions of how their efforts to change things are challenged; according to the specialised teachers this is due to different perspectives on knowledge about gender. If gender and gender equality are not considered as an important knowledge field, the specialised teachers’ access to power and influence is limited. For example, in the interviews, the teachers describe that this is often the case because they are only hired in for minor projects and that equality is not seen as a central part of the organisation’s work. It is not uncommon for the work to be short term, but the interviews indicate that work aimed at gender equality is seen as particularly challenging.


Empirically, the study is based on observations made during a programme on gender for preschool teachers as well as interviews with a total of 14 participants. The interviews are presented as stories or narratives that are the result of the interaction between the specialised teachers and the interviewer. The data material was collected between 2007 and 2011.


Arvidson, C. (2014): ”Genuspedagogers berättelser om makt och kontroll”. Akademisk avhandling i Pedagogik, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap. Härnösand: Mittuniversitetet.

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