Synen på barn och på relationen mellan barn och föräldrar. I: Halldén, G. Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv (S. 41-59). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag.

Hallden, G.


This is a research synthesis dealing with the idea of childhood and the ideal relationship between children and parents. The aim is to examine the historical development of the relationship between child and family in the last century in order to show how contemporary relationships and the idea of these have been created.  


This study indicates that the children of today live under the influence of powerful ideologies about how family life and childhood should be. Children live separately from the lives of adults i.e. adults do not encounter children in their everyday day routines. The idea of what a child actually is can therefore exist without being based on contact with real live and active children. This creates a distinction between children as icons and real children.


The study is a research synthesis.


Hallden, G. (2007). Synen på barn och på relationen mellan barn och föräldrar. I: Halldén, G. Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv (S. 41-59). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag.

Financed by

The Swedish Research Council