ETIBA: En forskningsbaseret evaluering af rehabiliterings- og træningsindsatsen for børn med autisme, herunder evaluering af behandlingsmetoden ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis).

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Høgsbro, K.
Århus: MarselisborgCentret.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate various treatment options aimed at children with autism and to evaluate the treatment method ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) compared with other forms of treatment for children diagnosed with autism.


The study concludes that intervention with the ABA treatment method does not support child development better than the usual treatment of autistic children in Denmark. Nevertheless, parents of children treated according to the ABA-method experience a sense of support that is not present in the usual treatment methods.


The study is designed as a quasi-experimental case-control study on efficacy with two non-randomised groups.


Høgsbro, K. (2007). ETIBA: En forskningsbaseret evaluering af rehabiliterings- og træningsindsatsen for børn med autisme, herunder evaluering af behandlingsmetoden ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis). Århus: MarselisborgCentret.

Financed by

The Danish Ministry of Finance, Public pool of funds earmarked for disadvantaged groups 2005