Physical contact in physical education, sports coaching and the preschool – a scoping review

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Caldeborg, A., Andersson, J., & Öhman, M.


The study maps and provides an overview of existing research on physical contact between adults and children in educational situations, specifically in physical education, sports training and kindergarten, over a 20-year period. The aim is to identify what is known in the field, what key topics have been investigated, and to uncover any knowledge gaps. The research questions are: 1) What journals, countries, contexts, theories and methods are represented in the field of research? 2) What key topics and knowledge gaps can be identified?


The study shows a significant increase in the number of publications on physical contact in physical education, sports training and kindergarten during the period 2000-2020, in 36 journals and 16 countries. It highlights six key themes: (i) fear and anxiety related to physical contact, (ii) resistance to the ‘no touch’ discourse, (iii) gender differences, (iv) different interpretations and cultural differences, (v) functions and need for physical contact, and (vi) professional identity. The study identifies three main areas of knowledge gaps: the significance of the long-term consequences of ‘no touch’ policies on learning and teaching, how cultural differences influence the understanding of physical contact, and how professional identity changes with increased awareness of physical contact in educational contexts.


This mapping study analyses 60 peer-reviewed research articles on the topic of physical contact in physical education, sports training and kindergarten. All were published between 2000 and 2020. The articles are sourced from 16 different countries and 36 different journals. The study investigates the methods used in these articles, the theories applied, and trends in the research over time.


Caldeborg, A., Andersson, J., & Öhman, M. (2023). Physical contact in physical education, sports coaching and the preschool – a scoping review. Sport, Education and Society, 28(3), 326–340.

Online year: 2021

Issue year: 2022

Review year: 2022