'Distance creates distance': preschool staff experiences and reflections concerning preschool introduction during the covid-19-Pandemic

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Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E., & Psouni, E.


The study investigates how kindergarten staff in Sweden experienced and managed the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in terms of children’s introduction to kindergarten. The researchers had two goals. The first was to find out if and to what extent the introductory procedures of kindergarten were influenced by the COVID-19 situation. The second goal was to investigate kindergarten employees’ experiences and reflections on this influence.


The results show that most kindergarten staff believed that the introduction to kindergarten was affected by the COVID-19 situation. 60% perceived the impact as substantial, 32% as low or limited. Additionally, 75% of participants reported that their thinking regarding kindergarten introductions was influenced by the pandemic situation. Based on these and other findings in the survey, the researchers conclude that social distancing inhibits the relationship between kindergarten employees and parents and affects children’s trust in the staff.


The data were collected online using the REDCAP (Research Electronic Data Capture) online survey tool between January and March 2021. The survey focused on how kindergarten employees experienced the pandemic restrictions during children’s introduction to kindergarten and how employees acted as a result of the changes. The study recruited participants via relevant national online forums that gather kindergarten staff. A total of 465 kindergarten employees from all over Sweden participated in the survey.


Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E., & Psouni, E. (2023). 'Distance creates distance': preschool staff experiences and reflections concerning preschool introduction during the covid-19-Pandemic. International Journal of Early Years Education31(1), 153–169.

Online year: 2022

Issue year: 2023

Review year: 2022

Financed by

The Crafoord Foundation, Sweden & The Swedish Research Council, Sweden