The Entangled Intersection of Children’s and Educators’ Engagement in the Educational Environment of a Preschool

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Magnusson, L. O., & Elm, A.


The study investigates how children and educators interact with and experience the physical learning environment in kindergarten. The researchers look at how different types of materiality and physical surroundings interact with children and kindergarten teachers, and how children and adults influence and shape the environment through actions and presence. The research questions are:

  1. What types of materiality and objects engage children and kindergarten teachers in the indoor kindergarten environment?
  2. What socio-material contexts emerge in the complex relationships between human and non-human participants in this environment?


The results show that children and educators experience and use the physical learning environment in different ways. The children transform the rooms organised by the kindergarten teachers, creating places that have their own meaning and function. Examples of this are how carpets and small rooms become places for play and rest. At the same time, materiality, such as carpets, has an impact on acoustics and interaction. A conflict is also observed in how kindergarten teachers facilitate order, while children explore the rooms in unpredictable ways. It highlights the need for flexible spaces that can be adapted to children’s spontaneous needs and activities.


The data collection included the use of educational walk-throughs with educators and camera trips with the children. The educators noted down activities and assessed strengths and challenges in different rooms. The children photographed the environment and selected elements they liked or disliked, providing visual and verbal insights into their experiences. Data were analysed through diffractive readings, which focused on relationships and interactions between human and non-human factors in the environment.


Magnusson, L. O., & Elm, A. (2023). The Entangled Intersection of Children’s and Educators’ Engagement in the Educational Environment of a Preschool. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1–10.

Financed by

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Sweden