Kvalitetsmåling med Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3): Randers Kommune 2021

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Næsby, T., Holm, H. T., Drevsholt, K. M., Pedersen, B. S., Skytte, K. B., & Medom, C.


The study investigates the quality of educational learning environments in kindergartens in Randers Municipality in Denmark, using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3). ECERS-3 is a research-based method for measuring quality in learning environments, including factors such as interaction between staff and children, the physical environment, and available materials for play and learning. The study investigates how these environments contribute to children’s well-being and development, with the aim of providing a comprehensive assessment of the quality of municipal kindergartens.


The average quality score for the assessed kindergartens was 4.24, indicating good quality. The highest score was observed in ‘staff-child interaction’ (6.12), while the lowest score was found in the use of blocks (1.07) and understanding written numbers (1.88). The study concludes that although quality is generally good, there are significant variations between kindergartens, especially in the field of learning activities, where some kindergartens score below good quality. The results highlight the need to improve certain aspects such as mathematics activities and role play to ensure that all children have equal opportunities for learning and development.


The research method includes systematic observation of 57 kindergartens using ECERS-3, an assessment tool covering 35 different aspects of the educational environment. Certified observers from the University College of Northern Denmark who have experience in pedagogical practice and teaching carried out the observations. They used a Likert scale from 1 to 7 to evaluate the learning environments, focusing on both the physical environment and the interactions between children and adults.


Næsby, T., Holm, H. T., Drevsholt, K. M., Pedersen, B. S., Skytte, K. B., & Medom, C. (2022). Kvalitetsmåling med Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3): Randers Kommune 2021. Rapport. Randers Kommune.