Kvalitetsvurdering i dagtilbud med Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-3): Randers Kommune 2021

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Næsby, T., Agerbæk, E., Nielsen, M. M., Hvolby, A., Nielsen, S. M. R., & Medom, C.


The study assesses the quality of the educational learning environment for young children (1-3 years) in kindergartens in Randers Municipality. The research focuses on how various factors such as physical environment, safety, child-employee interaction and learning activities contribute to children’s well-being and development. The aim is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the kindergartens and to identify areas that can be improved to support children’s learning and well-being.


The study found that the average quality across the observed kindergartens in Randers Municipality was assessed as good, with an average score of 4.47 on the ITERS-3 scale. The highest scores were achieved for aspects such as ‘guidance in play and learning’ and ‘interaction between staff and children’, both of which received an average score of over 6 (excellent quality). Lower scores were observed for elements such as ‘construction play’ and ‘acceptance of diversity’, both of which received significantly lower scores, suggesting the need for improvements in these areas.


The study uses ITERS-3 to assess the quality of the learning environments through observations in 48 kindergartens in Randers Municipality in Denmark. The observations, which each lasted three hours, focused on six sub-scales that assess aspects such as surroundings and layout, personal care routines, and interaction between children and staff. The data were collected by certified observers and analysed using a Likert scale to provide a quantitative assessment of each aspect.


Næsby, T., Agerbæk, E., Nielsen, M. M., Hvolby, A., Nielsen, S. M. R., & Medom, C. (2022). Kvalitetsvurdering i dagtilbud med Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-3): Randers Kommune 2021. Danish University Colleges.