The study investigates how children in Swedish kindergartens interact with technology. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the role technology plays in kindergarten, as well as how children interact with it. The research question is: How do kindergarten children interact with technology in activities that kindergarten teachers themselves report on?
The study found that technology in kindergarten primarily involves the use of digital tools, the development of skills and problem solving. Teacher-initiated activities often emphasised direct instruction in the use of digital tools, while child-initiated activities involved self-directed experimentation and exploration to a greater extent. The technology interactions were mainly divided into three categories: instruction, experimentation and involvement. The study shows that kindergarten teachers play a key role in facilitating technological activities, but also that children themselves initiate many of the interactions, especially in the more complex activities.
The data collection was carried out in two research circles with kindergarten teachers from different municipalities in Sweden. The kindergarten teachers reported 48 activities in which technology was integrated, and the data were analysed using Collier-Reed’s categorisation system. In the two research circles, 6 and 13 kindergarten teachers participated, respectively, and video recordings from the meetings were transcribed.
Nilsson, T., Gustafsson, P. & Sundqvist, P. (2022). Children’s interactions with technology in teachers’ self-reported activities in Sweden’s preschools. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32, 129–147.
Online year: 2020
Issue year: 2022
Review year: 2022
Financed by
Mälardalen University, Sweden