The study investigates how Sámi rights and the idea of ‘Sámi culture’ are integrated into the framework plan for kindergartens in Norway, and how these are understood and implemented in majority kindergartens. The research questions are: 1) Is Sámi culture presented as part of ‘us’ or ‘them’, as part of being Norwegian, or as an oppositional identity? 2) Is Sámi culture presented as part of a generally increasing diversity or as an indigenous culture with specific rights? 3) How can perspectives on everyday nationalism help to understand the inclusion and exclusion of indigenous perspectives in kindergarten education?
The study shows that there is a clear ambivalence in how employees in Norwegian majority kindergartens integrate Sámi language and culture. On the one hand, they recognise and include Sámi culture, primarily through the celebration of Sámi National Day. On the other hand, it is clear that many employees do not view work involving Sámi culture as something that extends beyond this one day. Some employees express uncertainty and a lack of competence in working more extensively with Sámi language and culture, while others feel it would be ‘unnatural’ to prioritise this when there are no Sámi children in the kindergarten. The findings highlight the need for increased competence on Sámi culture and history in kindergarten teacher education, so that employees can feel more confident in integrating this in a more holistic way into everyday kindergarten life.
The sample in this study consists of kindergarten staff in 19 majority kindergartens in different regions of Norway. The interviews were conducted in 2019 and 2020 – some digitally due to COVID-19 restrictions. The study also uses data from interviews in a larger evaluation of the framework plan for kindergartens (2019–2023). The document analysis focuses on the framework plan for kindergartens and looks at how Sámi rights are presented in the document. The study also analyses annual plans, monthly plans, weekly plans and other relevant documents from the kindergartens.
Danielsen, H., Olsen, T., & Eide, H. M. K. (2023). Performing nationalism – Sámi culture and diversity in early education in Norway. European Educational Research Journal, 22(5), 683–700.
Financed by
Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training, Norway