Rettleiarrolla i kollegarettleiing som profesjonelt læringsfellesskap i barnehagen

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Fimreite, H.


The study investigates the supervisor’s understanding of their own practice and discusses collegial supervision as a professional learning community in kindergarten. The goal is to understand how the supervisory role can support collegial supervision in groups and develop professional learning communities. The research question is: How can supervisors support collegial supervision in groups as a professional learning community?


The study highlights the supervisor’s reflections on their own practice, which balances activity, structure, challenge, support and assessment of situations and relationships. The results show that flexible use of structure and systematic analysis over time is valuable. The supervisor’s role as a professional authority balancing discussions, structures and relationships is important in the development of a common practice theory. Challenging existing culture and practice is essential for collegial supervision in groups to function as a professional learning community.


The data material is collected through five retrospective conversations, each lasting 1.5 hours, where a supervisor reflects on their role and practice in collegial supervision. The conversations were based on video recordings of collegial supervision sessions and were conducted over a period of nine months.


Fimreite, H. (2022). Rettleiarrolla i kollegarettleiing som profesjonelt læringsfellesskap i barnehagen. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 19(1), 143–162.