Supporting Children’s Psychosocial Well-Being in Sámi ECECs

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Bjerklund, M., Åmot, I.


The investigation aims to find out how Sámi kindergartens facilitate a good psychosocial environment for children aged 4–6 years. This is done in accordance with the guidelines set out in the framework plan for kindergartens in Norway. The research question is: How do Sámi kindergartens contextualise their work to support psychosocial well-being among children?


The authors collected data through individual interviews and group interviews with employees in seven Sámi kindergartens in Norway. The sample consisted of 16 informants, 3 of which were men. All of the informants spoke Sámi, but some had learned the language in adulthood. Not all of them had a Sámi background. The researchers used semi-structured interview guides to explore health-promoting measures and the psychosocial environment in the kindergartens. The interviews lasted between 60 and 90 minutes and were conducted both in person and digitally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The study found that employees in Sámi kindergartens work actively to balance the challenges associated with the Norwegianisation process while promoting Sámi culture in a positive way. They support children’s development of identity, belonging and self-esteem by including Sámi language and culture in everyday life. The kindergartens also highlight the importance of connection to nature and collective participation. An important aspect of the work is to make children aware of their Sámi identity and provide them with tools to face potential experiences of discrimination and racism. This approach helps strengthen children’s psychosocial well-being.


Bjerklund, M., & Åmot, I. (2023). Supporting Children’s Psychosocial Well-Being in Sámi ECECs. Barn41(2–3), 121–139.

Financed by

Sámi Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Mental Health and Substance Use (SANKS), Norway