The study investigates how professional knowledge affects the work of educators in kindergartens and schools. In particular, the study focuses how educators apply both theoretical education-based knowledge and practical experiential knowledge in their daily decision-making processes. The research questions are: 1) How do educators use professional knowledge in their practice? 2) How does this knowledge contribute to decision-making processes in school/kindergarten?
The educators use professional knowledge from both education and experience in their daily practice. This knowledge gives them the tools to identify and solve problems effectively. The study shows that educators use this knowledge to prevent social and health-related risks among children, and to improve teaching methods and learning environments. The combination of theoretical and practical knowledge helps the educators adapt to challenges and implement effective solutions in everyday kindergarten and school life.
The study uses data from two investigations: 42 semi-structured interviews with Danish kindergarten and school teachers about the prevention of social and health-related risks, and an ethnographic study involving over 500 hours of observation, two focus groups and seven interviews with teachers about health risk prevention in Danish schools. This data was analysed to understand how educators apply professional knowledge in their daily work.
Cecchini, M., & Harrits, G. S. (2022). The professional agency narrative—conceptualizing the role of professional knowledge in frontline work. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 32(1), 41–57.
Online year: 2021
Issue year: 2022
Review year: 2022