Hvordan forstå progresjon i barnehagens rammeplan

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Meland, A. T.


The purpose of this article is to show how the competence objectives in the framework plan’s subject areas guide kindergarten staff in their work on progression. The researcher seeks to clarify how these competence objectives shape the conditions for staff in their efforts to support children’s development. According to the 2017 framework plan, kindergarten teachers are responsible for ensuring progression and development in kindergarten content, both for individual children and groups of children. However, little research has been conducted on this progression. The research question is: How can progression be expressed in the competence objectives in the framework plan’s subject areas?


The study shows that the framework plan for kindergartens, like the school curriculum, conveys progression through the use of specific verbs, increased complexity, and an emphasis on quality. The verbs in the competence objectives indicate what the children must do with the academic content, and show progression in the development of mastery and skills. The complexity of the content gradually increases, for example, from expressing emotions to expressing experiences. The quality of what children must learn is also developed over time. The study concludes that kindergarten staff must analyse and decode the verbs to understand the progression and facilitate in-depth learning in kindergarten.


The article uses document analysis as a method to explore how progression is expressed in the competence objectives in the framework plan for kindergartens. The researcher uses the Official Norwegian Report Students’ learning in the school of the future. A knowledge base (NOU 2014:7) as a key document to uncover how progression can be understood in the curriculum’s competence objectives. The researcher analyses verbs, the complexity of academic content and the quality of what children must learn in order to show how progression appears in the framework plan.


Meland, A. T. (2023). Hvordan forstå progresjon i barnehagens rammeplan. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 20(1).