Bedömning och sambedömning i förskola enligt förskollärares, chefers och rektorers skriftliga beskrivningar.

Vallberg Roth, A. C.


The study investigates what kindergarten teachers and kindergarten coordinators from eight municipalities in Sweden consider to be central when it comes to characterising assessment and co-assessment in kindergartens. The research question is: What can characterise assessment and co-assessment in pre-school?


The results identify eight different respondent points of view, between rejection and recognition, of assessment in kindergarten. Co-assessment is repeatedly highlighted as an equality marker. Although assessment is primarily focused on learning, traces of teaching-oriented assessment also emerge.


The data material consists of written answers to an open-ended question in a questionnaire sent to kindergarten teachers and kindergarten coordinators. The questionnaire was sent to 282 persons (200 kindergarten teachers, 82 kindergarten coordinators) in eight Swedish municipalities, and responses were received from 240, a response rate of 85 percent. A didactic-oriented text analysis was used to analyse the responses.


Vallberg Roth, A. C. (2021). “Bedömning och sambedömning i förskola enligt förskollärares, chefers och rektorers skriftliga beskrivningar”. Utbildning och Lärande/Education and Learning, 15(1):29-49.