Digitalisation in early childhood education: a domestication theoretical perspective on teachers’ experiences.

Lindeman, S., Svensson, M., Enochsson, A. B.


The study investigates kindergarten teachers' understanding and experiences of using, or not using, digital tools in kindergarten. The research questions are: 1. In what ways, and to what extent, do kindergarten teachers integrate digital tools into their work? 2. What practical, symbolic or cognitive aspects influence their work involving digital tools?


The results indicate that kindergarten teachers use digital tools in different ways. They find tablets and projectors most useful when working with children, because these tools provide teaching variation. When it comes to administrative tasks, teachers use digital tools more regularly than when working with children. In order to succeed in using digital tools in kindergartens, it is important to have good digital skills, including pedagogical knowledge. Personal motivation and opportunities for professional growth and learning are also important factors.


Twelve kindergarten teachers from nine different kindergartens in Sweden were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. The participants were selected with regard to maintaining variation.


Lindeman, S., Svensson, M., & Enochsson, A. B. (2021). “Digitalisation in early childhood education: a domestication theoretical perspective on teachers’ experiences”. Education and Information Technologies, 26(4):4879-4903.