The study investigates how kindergarten staff are involved in children's play, and what opportunities and dilemmas this involvement has regarding play and children's opportunities to participate.
The results suggest that the kindergarten staff's involvement in children's play requires pedagogical judgement in the living interaction between the adult and the child, and also that the involvement entails both opportunities and dilemmas.
The sample is taken from a Danish sports kindergarten involving 25-30 children aged three to six years old and six employees. The data material consists of four days of participatory observation and two semi-structured, individual interviews with two kindergarten employees.
Kjeldahl, A. S. & Svinth, L. (2021). “Pædagogers involvering i børns leg – muligheder og dilemmaer”. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2021(3):20-33.