”Nu är man betydligt mer försiktig”: Förskollärare om den fysiska kontakten mellan pedagoger och barn.

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Hedlin, M.


The aim of the study is to investigate how experienced kindergarten teachers describe the historical changes that have taken place during their professional lives with regard to views on physical contact between educators and children.


The results show that the participants state that their views on physical contact have changed in four areas, which in turn affects how physical contact between educators and children is perceived. These four areas are: views on children, on the role of kindergarten teachers, on male educators and on nudity. The fact that views on children and views on the kindergarten teacher profession have changed is well known, and knowledge about the historical change is part of kindergarten teacher education. The views on male educators from a historical perspective has been addressed in many studies. However, changes in views on nudity have been discussed to a lesser extent. Overall, changing approaches in all four areas have led to a more restrictive attitude with regard to physical contact.


The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with 30 educated and experienced kindergarten teachers in Sweden. The material has been analysed based on Beck's theory of the risk society, in addition to the concepts of ‘becoming’ and ‘being’.


Hedlin, M. (2021).” ”Nu är man betydligt mer försiktig”: Förskollärare om den fysiska kontakten mellan pedagoger och barn”. Barn–forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, 39(1).

Financed by

The Swedish Research Council, Sweden