About the database
The database now contains all quality-approved studies from the period 2006-2023. The next time the database is updated is in 2026 with research from 2024.
Quality-assured research
The research is peer-reviewed according to international standards based on the EPPI system (developed at the University of London) supplemented with additional criteria aimed at qualitative research. The task is carried out by the Knowledge Center for Education at the University of Stavanger in collaboration with a Scandinavian research panel.
From 2006-2012 and from 2015-2017 the Danish Clearinghouse for Educational Research (DCU) was responsible for the task, while it was handled by SFI in 2013-2014.
- You can find more information about the methodological basis of the research here
- You can find the code scheme that was used here
- User manual NB-ECEC - Data extraction and quality assessment
Comments & questions (GB)
The database is administered by the Danish Evaluation Institute. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have comments or questions concerning the database and its functions. You are welcome to contact can us at eva@eva.dk or call the Danish Evaluation Institute directly on + 45 35 55 01 01.
Nordic cooperation
The NB-ECEC database is the result of a collaboration between Denmark's Evaluation Institute (EVA) and the Norwegian Directorate of Education.
For the years 2006-2017, the Swedish Skolverket was a partner, just as the Norwegian Department of Education has previously been responsible for the Norwegian part of the funding.
Links to review of research and assesment
DCU and SFI's publications of research overview, assessments and perspectives from each year can be found below:
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2022 and 2023
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2021
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2020
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2018-2019
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2017
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2016
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2015
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2014
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2013
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2012
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2011
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2010
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2009
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2008
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2007
- Research overview, assessments and perspectives on Scandinavian early childhood education and care in 2006.