Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 5421 items. Title Constructions of Children In-Between Normality and Deviance in Norwegian Day-care Centres. Purpose The overall purpose of this dissertation is to contribute knowledge about preschool staff's understandings and perspectives regarding children who have not actually been… Year 2014 Author Franck, K. Source Doctoral theses at NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Competence Document study Ethnographic study Evaluation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Qualitative study Title Musikstunder i förskolepraktik: Samband mellan musikens mening, aktivitet och aktivitetsformer. Purpose Taking a start point in three Swedish daycare facilities, the purpose of this study is to investigate activities and types of activities in music lessons for children between… Year 2012 Author Holmberg, Y. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(23), 1-14. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Creativity Cross-sectional study Didactics Kindergarten Music Qualitative study Sweden Title Uppföljning och utvärdering för förändring - pedagogisk dokumentation som grund för kontinuerlig verksamhetsutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the type of knowledge generated when pedagogical documentation is used as a tool to develop pedagogical practice in a Swedish daycare… Year 2013 Author Elfström, I. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Stockholm University, Stockholm. Subjects Action-based research Assessment Didactics Documentation Ethnographic study Evaluation Nursery Qualitative study Special pedagogical approaches Sweden Title Barns trivsel og medvirkning i barnehagen. Barn, foreldre og ansattes perspektiver. Purpose The purpose of the project was to examine which factors can contribute to creating happy or unhappy children in daycare. The factors examined were: the feeling of interaction… Year 2012 Authors Bratterud, Å. Sandseter, E.B.H. Seland, M. Source Trondheim: NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS. ISBN 978-82-91927-19-0 Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Management Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Participation Wellbeing Title Særlige dagtilbud til børn efter § 32 en status to år efter. Purpose The objective of this report is to identify the existing special daycare facilities under section 32 of the Social Services Act, which mainly include special-needs… Year 2009 Author Bengtsson, S. Source København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd. Subjects Administration Denmark Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Parent/guardian Policy Social and special pedagogics Title Kvalitetsarbejde i dagplejen. Purpose The purpose of this evaluation is to examine and assess municipalities’ work on developing and assuring the quality of daycare in private homes, including to identify… Year 2011 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. ISBN 978-87-7958-630-7 Subjects Administration Care in private homes Case study Competence Curriculum Denmark Evaluation Evaluation Mixed-method Organisation Policy Title Kvalitet i barnehager: Rapport fra en undersøkelse av strukturell kvalitet høsten 2012. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in the structural quality of Norwegian daycare centres (barnehagen) over a longer period from 2002 to 2012. Structural… Year 2013 Authors Gulbrandsen, L. Eliassen, E. Source Oslo: Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA). Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cross-sectional study Implementation Kindergarten Manager Norway Organisation Physical Environment Quantitative study Wellbeing Title Innlemming av barnehagetilskuddet i det kommunale inntektssystemet. Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide a statistical and analytical basis for conversion of the municipal financial equalisation system in Norway in the daycare area,… Year 2010 Authors Håkonsen, L. Lunder, T.E. og Løyland Source Bø i Telemark: Telemarksforskning. (TF-rapport nr. 269). ISBN 978-82-7401-367-4 Subjects Administration Economy Kindergarten Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Payment by parents Policy Quantitative study Title ”Long-Run Benefits from Universal High-Quality Pre-Schooling”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine the causal effect the quality of daycare centres has on children’s cognitive and linguistic development at the end of public basic… Year 2011 Authors Bauchmüller, R. Gørtz, M. Rasmussen, A.W. Source København: AKF, Danish Institute of Governmental Research. ISBN 978-87-7509-999-3 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Denmark Ethnicity Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Quantitative study Title Små barns medvirkning i samlingsstunder. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine children’s participation and involvement in decision-making processes during circle-time gatherings in eight Norwegian daycare… Year 2012 Authors Eide, B.J. Os, E. Samuelsson, I.P. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(4), 1-21. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Childhood vision Cross-sectional study Democracy Dialogue Ethnographic study Morning assembly Norway Nursery Participation Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 ... 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 ... 543 Next 10 items