Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 5472 items. Title Job characteristics theory and mentoring: the influence of cognitive tasks and educational leadership on mentoring provided. Purpose Studien undersøker hvordan veiledning i norske barnehager blir påvirket av utfordrende oppgaver som de ansatte uten lederstillinger står overfor. Forskeren ønsket også å se om… Year 2021 Author Waaland, T. Subjects Assistant Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cross-sectional study Learning process Management Manager Norway Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Professionalisation Quantitative study Skilled worker Title The Work Context and Mentoring: Do Job Characteristics Influence Mentoring Received? Purpose Studien utforsker hvordan ulike aspekter av arbeidshverdagen til barnehageansatte påvirker mengden veiledning de mottar på jobben. Formålet er å identifisere hvilke av disse… Year 2021 Author Waaland, T. Subjects Assistant Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cross-sectional study Learning process Management Manager Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Professionalisation Quantitative study Skilled worker Title Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children? Purpose Studien utforsker hvordan barn, både de med og uten funksjonshemninger, skaper inkluderende steder ulike fysiske steder i barnehagen. Forskningsspørsmålene er: 1) Hvilke… Year 2021 Author Ytterhus, B., Åmot, I. Subjects Child Child perspectives Cross-sectional study Inclusion Kindergarten Norway Physical Environment Physical disability Qualitative study Wellbeing Title "Business as Usual"? Or Transformative and Transactive Teaching Leading towards the Agenda 2030 Goals in Swedish Early Childhood Education. Purpose Studien utforsker hvordan svenske myndigheters implementering av FNs bærekraftmål påvirker svensk barnehagepraksis. Med et kritisk perspektiv betraktes barnehagen som en arena… Year 2021 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E., Samuelsson, I. P. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Competence Didactics Goal-directed activities Implementation Kindergarten Nursery Policy Qualitative study Sweden Values Title Preschoolers’ use and exploration of concepts related to scientific phenomena in preschool. Purpose Studien utforsker hvordan barnehagebarn oppdager, lærer og utforsker vitenskap og vitenskapelige begreper ved å løse problemer og kommunisere med andre. Forskerne ser nærmere… Year 2021 Author Åkerblom, A., Thorshag, K. Subjects Child perspectives Cognitive competence Competence Didactics Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Language Natural Science Observational Studies Qualitative study Sweden Title “And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care. Purpose Studien undersøker hvordan barnehagebarn bruker digitale verktøy, som nettbrett, og hvordan de samhandler med hverandre når de gjør det. Forskningsspørsmålet er: Hvordan blir… Year 2021 Author Aarsand, P., Sørenssen, I. K. Subjects Child carer/educaters Communication Didactics Digital tools Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Norway Observational Studies Participation Qualitative study Reading Writing Title Children’s language use in ECEC in a child perspective Purpose The study investigates children’s way of using language in kindergarten seen from a child’s perspective. The research question is: How is children’s interaction and use of… Year 2021 Author Ahrenkiel, A., Holm, L., Eilenberg, L. Ø. Subjects Child Child perspectives Communication Denmark Dialogue Ethnographic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Nursery Observational Studies Qualitative study Title Predicting selection into ECEC of higher quality in a universal context: The role of parental education and income Purpose The study investigates whether families with high socioeconomic status more often choose high-quality kindergartens, even though the system is designed to ensure that everyone… Year 2021 Author Alexandersen, N., Zachrisson, H. D., Wilhelmsen, T., Wang, M. V., Brandlistuen, R. E. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Inequality Kindergarten Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Quantitative study Social inheritance Title Preschool children’s learning opportunities using natural numbers in number row activities Purpose The study investigates kindergarten teachers' approaches to a mathematical activity and how their different teaching methods affected children's learning opportunities during… Year 2021 Author Alkhede, M., Holmqvist, M. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Learning process Mathematics Observational Studies Qualitative study Sweden Title Nature kindergartens: a space for children’s participation. Purpose The study investigates how children and staff in nature kindergartens experience children's participation through play and everyday life, and how place and relationships affect… Year 2021 Author Alme, H., Reime, M. A. Subjects Assistant Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Inclusion Kindergarten Management and organisation in ECEC Norway Nursery Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Participation Pedagogical staff Physical Environment Physical activity Play Qualitative study Skilled worker Previous 10 items 1 ... 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 ... 548 Next 10 items