Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 5437 items. Title Crying and crying responses: A comparative exploration of pragmatic socialization in a Swedish and Japanese preschool. Purpose Studiet udforsker begrebet pragmatisk socialisering (den sociale uddannelse og erfaring, som en person gennemgår for at kunne tilpasse sig og lykkes i forskellige sociale… Year 2021 Author Cekaite, A., Burdelski, M. Subjects Attachment Care Child Child carer/educaters Communication Emotional Competence Interaction Interpersonal relation Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Pedagogical staff Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Well-being Title Preschool teachers and caregivers’ lack of repositioning in response to changed responsibilities in policy documents. Purpose Studiet undersøger, hvordan pædagoger og pædagogmedhjælpere i svenske daginstitutioner tilpasser sig politiske ændringer, som omdefinerer deres roller og ansvar. Målet med den… Year 2021 Author Cervantes, S., Öqvist, A. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cross-sectional study Curriculum Organisation Pedagogical assistant Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Food and meal policies and guidelines in kindergartens in Norway and China: a comparative analysis. Purpose Studiet sammenligner, hvordan Norge og Kina organiserer mad og måltider i daginstitutionen. Målet er at belyse forskelle og ligheder og at inspirere til refleksion over… Year 2021 Author Ciren, B Subjects Administration Child Curriculum Document study Food and meals Norway Policy Qualitative study Socialisation Title Preschool practices in Sweden, Portugal, and the United States. Purpose Studiet udforsker, hvor relevante og pålidelige de to observationsværktøjer The Teacher Observation in Preschool og the Child Observation in Preschool er i og på tværs af… Year 2021 Author Coelho, V., Åström, F., Nesbitt, K., Sjöman, M., Farran, D., Björck-Åkesson, E., Christopher, C., Granlund, M., Almqvist, L., Grande, C., Pinto, A. I. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Quantitative study Screening instrument Sweden Title Participatory Professional Development and Preschool Quality: Evidence from a Mixed-methods Study. Purpose Studiet evaluerer et program for professionsfaglig udvikling, hvor forskere, pædagoger og pædagogmedhjælpere samarbejder for at forbedre samspillet mellem voksne og børn i… Year 2021 Author Dietrichson, J., Ringsmose, C., Christoffersen, M., Svinth, L. Subjects Assistant Case study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Denmark Emotional Competence Intervention Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Nursery Pedagogical staff Professionalisation RCT study Reading Skilled worker Social Competence Title Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: findings from employees in child care centers. Purpose Studiet undersøger forholdet mellem arbejdsbelastning og sygefravær blandt ansatte i norske daginstitutioner, og hvordan denne sammenhæng varierer mellem daginstitutioner med… Year 2021 Author Drange, N., Gunnes, T., Telle, K. Subjects Child carer/educaters Group size Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Quantitative study Skilled worker Title The effect of music education approaches on phonological awareness and early literacy: A systematic review. Purpose Studiet sammenligner effekten af de mest udbredte musikpædagogiske tilgange (Orff, Kodály, Suzuki og Dalcroze), på lydforståelse (fonologisk bevidsthed) og tidlige læse- og… Year 2021 Author Eccles, R., van der Linde, J., Le Roux, M., Swanepoel, D. W., MacCutcheon, D., Ljung, R. Subjects Child Didactics Intervention Kindergarten Language Music OECD-country Reading Sweden Systematic review/mapping Title Normalised diversity: educators’ beliefs about children’s belonging in Swedish early childhood education. Purpose Studiet undersøger pædagogers opfattelser af børns tilknytning i daginstitutionen. Hovedformålet er at afdække pædagogers syn på tilknytning og de udfordringer, som de står… Year 2021 Author Eek-Karlsson, L., Emilson, A. Subjects Attachment Attitude study Care Case study Child carer/educaters Ethnicity Inclusion Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title The power of belonging: Interactions and values in children’s group play in early childhood programs. Purpose Studiet udforsker, hvordan magtforhold påvirker børns oplevelse af tilknytning i legegrupper, og hvordan børn udtrykker deres handlekraft. Forskerne ser også på, hvordan… Year 2021 Author Eidsvåg, G. M., Rosell, Y. Subjects Care Case study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Didactics Inclusion Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Observational Studies Participation Play Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Title Different learning possibilities from the same activity—Swedish preschool teachers’ enactment of a number relation activity. Purpose Studiet undersøger forskellige aspekter af, hvordan tal-aktiviteten "Slangespillet" blev implementeret i en svensk børnehave i lyset af variansteori. Forskningsspørgsmålene… Year 2021 Author Ekdahl, A. L. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Didactics Further and continuing training Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Learning process Mathematics Observational Studies Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 ... 544 Next 10 items