Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 5437 items. Title Dramatisering i spänningsfältet mellan som om och som är och sexåringars meningsskapande av kemiska begrepp och processer Purpose Studiet diskuterer dramatisering som en form for legebaseret undervisning i børnehaveklassen. Målet er at vise, hvordan brugen af dramapædagogik kan hjælpe børn med at forstå… Year 2019 Author Åkerblom, A. & Pramling, N. Source Educare - Vetenskapliga Skrifter, (2):58-72 Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Drama Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Qualitative study Sweden Title Comparing Imitation Responding and IBT for children with ASD, a preschool intervention Purpose Formålet med undersøgelsen er at undersøge effektiviteten af to typer tiltag: efterligningsrespons (IR - Imitation Responding) og intensiv adfærdsbehandling (IAB - (Intensive… Year 2019 Author Janson, B.S., Heimann, M., Tjus, T. Source Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs WILEY, 20(2):97-108. Subjects Action-based research Autism Child Children's skills development Children's social relationships Cognitive competence Communication Equal opportunities Interaction Interpersonal relation Intervention Kindergarten Mixed-method Nursery Social Competence Social exposure Sweden Title Technology in children’s picture books as an agent for reinforcing or challenging traditional gender stereotypes Purpose Formålet med dette studie var at undersøge indholdet vedrørende teknologi i et udvalg af billedbøger for børn ud fra et kønsperspektiv. Teknologi er et område med stærke… Year 2019 Author Axell, C. & Boström, J. Source International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 31:27-39. Subjects Books Discourse analysis Document study Equality Gender Hermeneutic study Kindergarten Library Nursery Qualitative study Reading aloud Socialisation Sweden Title (De)constructing parental involvement in early childhood curricular frameworks Purpose Studiet analyserer, hvordan relationen mellem forældre og børnehave beskrives i de forskellige landes læreplaner for børnehaven. Med det øgede fokus på, hvad forfatterne af… Year 2018 Author Janssen, J., Vandenbroeck, M Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26(6):813-832. Subjects Administration Cooperation with parents Curriculum Denmark Document study Management Management and organisation in ECEC Mixed-method Municipal and state control OECD-country Organisation Parent/guardian Policy Sweden Title Dokumentationssyndromet – En interaktionistisk och socialkritisk studie av förskolans dokumentations- och bedömningspraktik Purpose Formålet med studiet er at udforske børnehavens pædagogiske dokumentations- og evalueringspraksis. Fokus ligger på hverdagssituationer, hvor pædagoger udfører forskellige… Year 2018 Author Nilfyr, K. Source Linnéuniversitetet Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Communication Documentation Ethnographic study Evaluation Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Sweden Title Med ljus på boksamtal om skugga Purpose I børnehaven bruger man som regel ikke undervisningsmaterialer eller lærebøger, men snarere børnebøger og fortællinger til at undervise i forskellige temaer inden for… Year 2018 Author Backman, A. Source Akademisk avhandling. Göteborgs universitet. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Cognitive competence Communication Competence Dialogue Kindergarten Natural Science Qualitative study Reading Reading aloud Sweden Title Enabling professionals to change practices aimed at tackling social inequality through professional development: results from a case study Purpose Studiet undersøger, hvordan det faglige udviklingsprogram VIDA (Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud) kan ændre pædagogiske praksisser i børnehaven, så… Year 2018 Author Jensen, B., Brandi, U. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26(1):50-65. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Action-based research Assessment Case study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Denmark Didactics Equal opportunities Evaluation Inclusion Inequality Intervention Learning process Manager Mixed-method Municipal and state control Social inheritance Title Professional Development and Its Impact on Children in Early Childhood Education and Care: A Meta-Analysis Based on European Studies Purpose Artiklen analyserer europæisk forskning i sammenhængen mellem efteruddannelse af pædagoger og børnehavebørns læsefærdigheder, matematiske færdigheder og adfærd. Studiet har… Year 2019 Author Jensen, P., Rasmussen, A. W. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 63(6):935-950. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Denmark Further and continuing training Kindergarten Mathematics Nursery OECD-country Professionalisation Reading Social Competence Systematic review/mapping Title An adapted ecosystem model for inclusive early childhood education: a qualitative cross European study Purpose Studiets formål er at udvikle en fælles forståelse af det, der karakteriserer et godt, inkluderende børnehavetilbud (Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE)) for… Year 2019 Author Bartolo, P. A., Kyriazopoulou, M., Björk-Åkesson, E. & Giné, C. Source International journal of School & Educational Psychology, 9(1):3-15. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Administration Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Denmark Equal opportunities Health Implementation Inclusion Institutionalisation Kindergarten Manager Municipal and state control Norway OECD-country Parent/guardian Policy Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Quantitative study Social and special pedagogics Social exposure Sweden Title Empathic Expressions among Three-Year-Olds in Play and Interaction in ECEC Institutions in Norway: Bodily Empathic Expressions Purposed for Peers' Well-Being and Confirming Relationships Purpose Formålet er at bidrage med ny viden gennem beskrivelser af, hvordan treårige udtrykker selvinitieret empati med jævnaldrende. Dette baseres på en forståelse af, at børns… Year 2019 Author Nergaard, K. Source Early Child Development and Care, 189(9):1444-1456 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Communication Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Well-being Wellbeing Previous 10 items 1 ... 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 ... 544 Next 10 items